
Established in 2021

Fresh Start Fitness with Michelle

When I first received my personal trainer certification in 2016, I started taking clients casually and really enjoyed it. I had no idea what I was doing on the business end but the results spoke for themselves and what was then named ‘Porter Fitness’ was thriving! After getting pregnant in 2017 and navigating life with a newborn, my certification eventually expired. I went through some life lessons, learned how to fuel by body the right way and eventually was able to learn how to intuitively eat.

2020 threw us all for a loop; with job security seemingly no longer relevant, a global pandemic changing the way we do life and business, I finally realized that nothing is certain and I don’t want to live and work just so I can retire. With the overwhelming support of my husband, and the help of some talented friends, Fresh Start Fitness with Michelle was born. I got a business coach, I got recertified, and I truly believe this is where I belong and Fresh Start Fitness is here to stay!



I want to teach you had to ditch the fad diets and finally achieve your health and fitness goals through customized nutrition and workouts that create a sustainable lifestyle.


my vision is to be a respected coach who gets results and helps women struggling with the all or nothing diet mentality. I am committed to growing and educating myself in order to create a community of happy, healthy, fit, women.
